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Enterprise moral culture is not only an important part of enterprise culture, but also one of the core contents of contemporary enterprise culture management. Enterprise ethics regulates various relations inside and outside the enterprise through moral norms, moral education, moral evaluation, and moral behavior, so as to create a good environment and conditions for the development of the enterprise. As the organizational morality of enterprise members, enterprise morality has the functions of cohesion and self-restraint, balance and adjustment, guidance, and incentive, and has an important impact on the moral quality and social justice of enterprise members.

Our company vigorously strengthens enterprise moral education. Conduct publicity and education on the basic principles, basic norms and basic contents of enterprise ethics for cadres and employees through reports, training, broadcasting, factory newspapers and discussion, guide and educate cadres and employees to fully understand the inevitability of enterprise ethics and the important role of enterprise ethics in establishing modern enterprise system and enhancing enterprise competitiveness, So that cadres and workers can consciously devote themselves to the construction of enterprise ethics.


At the same time, our company attaches importance to enterprise moral evaluation. For the internal moral evaluation of the enterprise, it is good at using the forms of commendation conference, radio, and factory newspaper to praise and publicize the exemplary behaviors and deeds of employees with excellent moral quality and criticize and punish those bad behaviors that violate the enterprise ethics and norms. In addition, our company actively collect external praise and criticism, and timely supervise and adjust the behavior of the enterprise and its employees.

Our company combines enterprise ethics with ideological and political education and social ethics education to give play to the main role of most employees. Enterprise moral construction is a process of self-education and self-transformation of enterprise employees. Only by giving full play to the master role of employees and mobilizing their enthusiasm can enterprise moral construction have a solid foundation and reliable guarantee.